
What are your delivery times?

Usually around 3 – 5 business days within the United States. International orders that accept UPS or FedEx take around 4 – 7 business days.

In areas where UPS/FedEx does not deliver we reserve the right to use another carrier. In these cases, delivery can take up to 30 days.

How much will shipping cost?

Shipping costs: Free on all orders

Can you provide worldwide shipping?

If UPS or FedEx can ship there, so can we! If you’re unable to see your Country in the drop-down list, please contact us with your address and we’ll check the availability.

Where is my package?

For any questions regarding your delivery, please refer to the carrier tracking number or contact the delivery carrier directly since they are the organization responsible for the delivery. It’s usually also the fastest way of acquiring the information you seek.

When you have completed your order, you will receive a confirmation e-mail and, as soon as the shipment is created, an e-mail with your tracking information. All our orders have a tracking number and can be traced via the delivery carrier’s homepage.

Please note that confirmation e-mails quite often end up in spam boxes.

Click Here to track your order

Are VAT and other Import fees or taxes included in the price?

No, we do not include any VAT or import fees or taxes in the sale price. The only place we collect a sales tax is in the state of Florida. If you live outside of the United States, VAT and/or other fees for import are not included.

We do not have the possibility of estimating these quotes and recommend you check with your regional customs authority. Please note that should you, as the receiver, chose to decline these charges upon delivery, Festina Watches will have to settle them to get the shipment returned. This sum will be deducted from your refund as a restocking fee.

Are you able to declare a lower value on my shipment?

No, we will always declare the correct value.

Shipping Policy

For full details pleasee see our Shipping Policy


What payment methods do you offer?

We currently accept the following payment options: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Facebook Pay, Diners Club & Shop Pay.

Why my credit card was declined?

Our service provider requires certain fraud-prevention schemes from your service provider and will not be able to accept your credit card otherwise. The best way to process a purchase if your card got denied is to simply use on of the approved credit card carriers that we accept


Why haven't I received an order confirmation?

In the event of a missing order confirmation, please make sure to double check your spam folders/boxes.

As long as funds has been deducted from your account you can be certain that your order has been processed. If you didn’t receive your confirmation e-mail and it isn’t in your spam folder, reach out to our customer support via contact page below and we will help you. Contact Us

Can I change my order after it is completed?

In keeping with our customers’ expectations, we process order as quickly as possible. Once an order has been processed, we are unable to change the order. As long as the order has not shipped, we are able to cancel your order.

If you want to make a change of the product purchased the best course is to cancel the order and place a new order for the desired item.

Returns & Refund

How do I perform a return?

It is very easy, just shoot us a message via this link, Contact Us

The fee for return shipment is only reimbursed for watches (not bracelets, straps, or other accessories or products).

You are eligible for a full refund if your unused product is returned within 30 days from the date of purchase in its original packaging with its original tags/documents. Please note that Festina Watches only reimburses the shipping fee for shipments containing a watch/watches.

Please see our full, Returns & Refund Policy

When do I receive the money back from my return?

We usually process refunds at the end of the same week we received your returned product.

Can I change my product for another?

Sure, as long as the product is in unused/pristine condition and within two weeks of the purchase date. Please contact us via this link ,Contact Us

My packaging or product is defect, what should I do?

Your satisfaction is very important to us, please contact us via this link, Contact Us.
Please include a picture or two of the defect.

Please do not return your product without receiving an RMA number if not your return will be rejected.

Returns & Refund Policy

For full details pleasee see our Returns & Refund Policy


I need my watch serviced or repaired

Please contact us via, Contact Us. Please include a picture or two of your issue.

Average handling times for repairs are 6-9 weeks including shipping.

What about the warranty?

Warranty for our watches is two-years from purchase date.

Please note that the warranty does not cover batteries and/or leather straps (as is practice in the watch industry). The warranty does not cover any damage on any part of the watch resulting from abnormal use, lack of care, negligence, accidents, incorrect use of the watch and non-observance of the directions provided by Festina Watches. 

Warranty for bracelets is one year from the purchase date and covers discolored bracelets only.

Please see our full, Warranty Policy.


Are your watches water resistant?

Yes, it depends on the watch model. Some of our watches are water resistant and some of them are rated for diving of depths to 200 meters / 660 feet. We suggest that you look at the specifications page of your watch model to find this information.

Additionally, each watch has its water resistance rating imprinted on the back of the case back. Please refer to the image next to this question for our different ratings or click on this link, Water Resistance.

How can I get an operation manual for a watch?
Can I expect the color of my product to look the same in reality as in the pictures?

Yes, it’s worth noting, however, that different monitors/screens/panels projects colors differently. Our pictures have been optimized for viewing on the most common devices.

Are you able to engrave?

No, we do not have the possibility to engrave at the moment.

How do I change straps?

If you do not possess a “spring bar removal tool” we recommend you pay a visit to your local watch store.

Also please see this instructional video, Changing Your Strap.

How do I clean my strap?

We recommend that you use products specifically created for washing-up leather. Soap and water will discolor and desiccate leather straps.

What about my Bracelet?

Our bracelets are put through rigorous quality controls before being shipped. The warranty does not cover any damage on any part of the bracelet resulting from abnormal use, lack of care, negligence, accidents, incorrect use, and non-observance of the directions provided by Festina Watches. For the bracelet to remain in good condition avoid exposure to water and other fluids as well as continuous exposure to strong sunlight.

Adjust the size of our bracelets by carefully bending the metal to your preferred size and use caution to prevent from altering the original form/shape. Please note that Festina Watches only reimburses the shipping fee for shipments containing a watch/watches.
